The Green Infrastructure Landscape Lab (GILL), based in the department of Landscape Architecture (DoLA) at Texas Tech University, is a newly formed incubator focused on developing and evaluating alternative approaches to sustainable urban water management at multiple scales—from the gutter to the watershed.
GILL research supports the development of other ongoing Commonstudio projects such as STRAINS and The Global Urbarium. If you are interested in supporting or working with GILL please see more HERE. Prospective students are encouraged to inquire about the accredited BLA and MLA programs offered by DoLA.

Recent publications:
Phillips, D. Jamwal, P, Gronewald, A. Lindquist, M. (under review) “Scaling Green Infrastructure to the catchment: Using SWMM based TOPSIS to evaluate the cumulative water quality impacts in an Indian megacity.” Landscape and Urban Planning.
Jamwal, P., Phillips, D. (under review) “Assessing performance of local substrates for the treatment of dry weather flows in open drains: results of a pilot in Bangalore, India.” Ecological Engineering
Jamwal, P., Biswas, D. & Phillips, D. (2020). “Provisional Green Infrastructure: Trans-disciplinary approaches to address contamination in urban streams.” Water Science and Technology: A Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research.
Jamwal, P. Phillips D. & Biswas, D. (2020) “Waste Water Management in Cities: Notes from Bengaluru and Nelamangala,” Economic & Political Weekly.
Jamwal, P., Phillips D. & Karlsrud, K. (2019) “A lab-based study of basic aggregate material for the treatment of combined dry weather flows in open storm drains,” Water Science and Technology.
Phillips, D. “Downstream Defense: Provisional Green Infrastructure in Bangalore”, Proceedings from the ATREE Work Seminar (2017)
Phillips, D., & Lindquist, M. (2019). Mow Town: The Emergence and Management of Spontaneous Urban Vegetation in Detroit (An interactive story map) [Data set].
Phillips, D., & Lindquist, M. (2021). Just weeds? Comparing assessed and perceived biodiversity of urban spontaneous vegetation in informal greenspaces in the context of two American legacy cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 127151.