Commonstudio engages in three primary modes of creation: Interventions, Installations and Initiatives. Interventions are sanctioned or unsanctioned actions that are developed with and within specific places. Installations are temporary gallery-based works incorporating interactive or multimedia elements, including models and representations of our site-specific projects. Initiatives are long-term transdisciplinary projects focused on creating broader social, ecological and spatial impact in collaboration with various outside partners. We also engage in ongoing or short term creative experiments that don’t fit neatly into these categories; We call these tangents.


Metropoliz Future ForestAn ongoing experiment in “collaborative ecology”, exploring the use of weeds to transform a post-industrial site.

Metropoliz Future Forest

An ongoing experiment in “collaborative ecology”, exploring the use of weeds to transform a post-industrial site.

Amounting a Salt (Pile Study No. 2)A temporary landscape intervention comprised of 30 tons of de-icing salt

Amounting a Salt (Pile Study No. 2)

A temporary landscape intervention comprised of 30 tons of de-icing salt

Suparichit (Pile Study No.1)Seeding new perceptions and possibilities amid the marginalized landscapes of Bangalore.

Suparichit (Pile Study No.1)

Seeding new perceptions and possibilities amid the marginalized landscapes of Bangalore.

(C)urban EcologyRe-imagining the typical curb and gutter infrastructure as a site for micro-remediation of polluted storm water.

(C)urban Ecology

Re-imagining the typical curb and gutter infrastructure as a site for micro-remediation of polluted storm water.

Know Your PalmsEncouraging Angelenos to take a closer look at their iconic flora.

Know Your Palms

Encouraging Angelenos to take a closer look at their iconic flora.


The Mosaic Machine

An interactive installation visualizing the watershed-scale implications of domestic landscape choices.

Mesquite Migration a short film examining the process of Assisted Migration for urban/rural exchange

A-RomaRevealing alternative urban narratives through the ecology of scent.


Revealing alternative urban narratives through the ecology of scent.

At This Point in TimeA projection in conversation with “Amounting a salt”, intended to extend the spatial locus of site-specific work to other settings.

At This Point in Time

A projection in conversation with “Amounting a salt”, intended to extend the spatial locus of site-specific work to other settings.

Large and Round When PoppedAn interactive celebration of vernacular landscape materials

Large and Round When Popped

An interactive celebration of vernacular landscape materials


GreenaidPlayfully activating underutilized urban spaces through community engagement and tactical seed distribution.


Playfully activating underutilized urban spaces through community engagement and tactical seed distribution.

D3A methodology and program that empowers urban youth to channel their interests and enrich their community through design.


A methodology and program that empowers urban youth to channel their interests and enrich their community through design.

STRAINSCollaborating with (and within) informal wastewater networks in Bangalore.


Collaborating with (and within) informal wastewater networks in Bangalore.

COMMONgoodRedefining the role of design as a form of civic activism through volunteerism and community collaboration.


Redefining the role of design as a form of civic activism through volunteerism and community collaboration.

The Mesquite Mile

Establishing urban afforestation through assisted migration in west Texas

Green Infrastructure Landscape Lab (GILL)Design and research initiative based at Texas Tech University’s Department of Landscape Architecture.

Green Infrastructure Landscape Lab (GILL)

Design and research initiative based at Texas Tech University’s Department of Landscape Architecture.


11 Palms (2017)Capturing the daily lives of cherished urban palms in The Garden City.

11 Palms (2017)

Capturing the daily lives of cherished urban palms in The Garden City.

S.T.R.U.T.A conceptual framework for municipalities to strategically and incrementally transform tree-poor neighborhoods.


A conceptual framework for municipalities to strategically and incrementally transform tree-poor neighborhoods.

Field Notes from JaniculumA tandem chronicle from a year in The Eternal City.

Field Notes from Janiculum

A tandem chronicle from a year in The Eternal City.