(Los Angeles, CA) — On March 24, A+D Architecture and Design Museum>LosAngeles will present Come In! DTLA, an exhibition that celebrates the Museum’s new neighborhood in Downtown Los Angeles and the designers who find inspiration there!

The latest installment of the Museum's Come In series presents what is on the minds and in the studios of the cutting edge, innovative designers of Los Angeles. Featured work pushes the boundaries of traditional forms of architecture and design and extends to graphics, digital media, landscape, fashion, furniture, installation, photography, sculpture and more.

Come In! DTLA is organized by A+D Architecture and Design Museum>Los Angeles and curated by Danielle Rago. Exhibition design by Tyler McMartin.

Commonstudio will demonstrate how many of our projects and overall creative trajectories were inspired by our time in Los Angeles,  and how these ideas relate to ongoing challenges within Downtown Los Angeles and beyond.

Find out more at www.aplusd.org
