This exhibition explores the southern Great Plains, its environmental, social and temporal processes, and its operational extent. We have constructed visual and spatial narratives of this complex and multi-dimensional (semi)arid (sub)terrain environment. The work hopes to present a portion of these arid lands ever so slightly skewed from the real, testing the non-conventional processes of translation and subsequent alteration. The exhibition captures five contributions from five designers from five different disciplines: architecture, landscape architecture, Urban planning, land art, and computer science. Zahra Safaverdi has curated the whole show, creating a state of a continuum where there is a granular transition from texturized data, fine sands, and mesquite coffee beans to mesquite mulches, materialized drawings, and larger models. Contributions vary from focused micro-scale proposals to featured pieces that would capture the entirety of the Great Plains. The bigger the geographical scope, the smaller the creations...
Mesquite Migration: Commonstudio (Kim Karlsrud and Daniel Phillips)
in collaboration with Erin Charpentier and Travis Neel
Temporal Textures: Brandon Cloutier
Drawing Water: Dalia Munenzon
Feigned Chronicles of the High Plains: Zajra Safaverdi
APPROXIMATING THESE ARID LANDS opened on March 28, 2022, and run through May 2, 2022.
THE (OTHER) CORNER is a newly renovated exhibition space at Texas Tech University’s College of Architecture (CoA).